
Checkers Plus 5 Games, Age 7 Plus

Checkers Plus 5 Games, Age 7 Plus

Checkers Plus 5 Games, Age 7 Plus

Original price was: KSh 1,600.00.Current price is: KSh 912.60.

In stock

Original price was: KSh 1,600.00.Current price is: KSh 912.60.

  • Toys and Games
  • Teaches your children to improve their logical skills
  • Includes the traditional checkers game and five other checkerboard games that keep your kids entertained
  • Game that stimulates minds and involves quick thinking
SKU: 9415000 Category:


Checkers Plus 5 Games, Age 7 Plus

Bring home one of the most well-known and loved games of checkers with the Funskool Checkers 5 Board Game. Made for children above the age of 7 years and above, this 5-in one board game teaches your children to improve their logical skills. The board is placed between two players in a way that the first square on each player’s right hand corner is a light one. This Funskool Checkers 5 Board Game includes the traditional checkers game and five other checkerboard games that keep your kids entertained. Take time off your busy schedule and provide your children with some amazing family time as you play this Funskool Checkers 5 Board Game with them. Sure to set your child’s mind racing with this game that stimulates minds and involves quick thinking.


This game set comes with 5 games in 1 package which gives you and your friends the opportunity to have a lot of fun. Use your cognitive skills to implement your strategy while you play the traditional game of checkers. Checkers is played between 2 players and each team starts with 12 coins. The coins are red and black and the objective of the game is to reduce the number of coins your opponent has till there is nothing left on the board.

Model Name
  • Checkers 5
Sales Package
  • 5 Other Games
  • No
Number of Batteries for Toy
  • 0
Battery Type for Toy
  • No batteries
Number of Players
  • 2
Box Width
  • 16.14 cm
Box Height
  • 8.27 cm
Box Depth
  • 1.57 cm
Box Weight
  • 454 g


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